Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Trying Something New

With each new school year comes change. Whether it be new students, new teachers or new principals, each year holds the excitement and anticipation of the unknown. At Ashaway Elementary School we are experiencing all of these things this year. So in the spirit of change, the 4th grade teachers have decided to try a new way of communicating with parents about the happenings in our classrooms. We have decided to start this 4th grade blog. Here we will keep you updated on classroom activities, projects, field trips and anything else that happens to come up. This will replace both our monthly newsletters and our website.  We hope you will follow our journey through this new school year. It promises to be full of excitement and change!


  1. Looking forward to reading about the fun happenings in fourth grad!

  2. Nice work, Mrs. Ornburn! Can't wait to see all the great pictures you'll be posting!! :D
    -Mrs. Mann
